2023 年 7 月 14 日からのストリーム チャットの下のタイムスタンプとミュートされたセクション: 00:00 ボニー到着: 31:30 IRL カム: 1:39:45 アップルビーズ: 2:12:43 リーグ 3:59:14 えみるライブを見る: https: //www.twitch.tv/emiru チャンネル運営者 https://www.twitch.tv/thesimplepotato


  1. 2:22:00 Why in the world did you give Miz $300,000? I’m pretty sure that your manager, people that you work with, would have said no, if you talked with them about it, which means you probably didn’t even ask for their opinion or their advice. Please tell me that you have some sort of signed promissory note from Miz. In conclusion, I thought you would be smarter than that.