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  1. Johnny Depp is gonna be jealous this is how Jimmy usually only reacts to him when Johnny goes in for a kiss every time 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Jason raised the bar. Petition to make this the new Kimmel shtick.☝️
    Every time Johnny is on he gets a kiss and every time Jason is on we get to see his perfect butt. 😅🤷‍♀️

  2. im in love with Jason since his acting in baywatch. He is really a great actor. Cant wait to watch that movie

  3. Jason is a unique guy. He has stated that he is not entirely comfortable with a whole Hollywood celebrity thing and who could blame him. I think he does his best in these interviews but overall, I just think he wants to act and live his life. Love how much he embraces his heritage. Learning about our heritage is how we find ourselves. Also, I lost my father to leukemia when I was only eight, so I thank Jason for spreading the word about what it means to save someone who has cancer. Cancer's a menace, it plays no games.

  4. If I could get a dollar for every time Jimmy interrupt Jason’s talk, I’d probably be able to get myself a much longer limo to replace my current Mercedes limo. Jason's not just a great actor but a great human being as well! He shows that you can be extremely strong yet gentle and caring for others!

  5. Jason is just a regular dude I see. I tell you he got good and tanned. He’s not a big talker but he doesn’t have to be. His presence is nice and sweet enough.

  6. I love you ever Jason mamoa physically the way you show your culture your so proud and your personality I'm one of your fan ❤️❤️❤️❤️ and your funny