SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake は Xbox Series X|S で Travis Northup によってレビューされました。Xbox One、PlayStation、PC、Nintendo Switch でも利用できます。 バトル フォー ビキニ ボトムの待望の続編は、象徴的なショーから借りたすべての魅力とユーモアを除いて、あらゆる点で同業他社と比較して見劣りする、シンプルで野心的な 3D プラットフォーマーです。 信じられないほど基本的なジャンプとスイングが数分でうんざりして繰り返されるか、最初の戦いと最後の戦いを意味のあるものに区別するものがないのに同じ一握りの敵を何百回も掃討する単調な戦闘であるかにかかわらず、Cosmic Shake には想像力がひどく欠けています。ショーが知られている創造性。 オリジナル キャストの声のパフォーマンスとばかげたギャグは確かにハイライトですが、海の下のパイナップルでスーパー マリオ オデッセイに似たものを期待していた場合、悲しいことに、これははるかに不十分です. #SpongeBobSquarePantsTheCosmicShake #スポンジボブ
The game looks great to me as a fan of SpongeBob! It’s not fair to compare it to any Mario game given that it’s not made by Nintendo. Already bought it and can’t wait to play it!
This game deserves the hate it’s getting it’s poorly made and generic
Sniff Cosmic Shake ✨
The fact that anybody could unironically employ this man is beyond me
IGN only hypes everything Marvel poops out, not actual gems
Pretty sure IGN just hates SpongeBob
Ign who hurt you?
IGN: we are giving this game a 5 rating
Everyone: we giving this game a 10 out of 10 cause it's the third platform spongebob game we all want
Speedrun community: finally a new challenge
Oh IGN…you never change and why should you. Anyone who relies on ANY of your takes in gaming overwhelmingly need their heads examined.
lmao they gave the Bikini Bottom remake a 5 too. Garbage can game journalism at its best over here!🤣🤣🤣
IGN just doesn’t get it, man.
Why is this review 10 minutes long?
Seriously, comparing this to Mario Odyssey? A game that is from a platformer franchise decades old? Get out of here IGN. You give CoD–a game that never changes–better reviews lmao.
Can we stop with the "breaking new ground"
Criticism? Not every game has to do that! Here's a question by raise of hands who here has played resident evil (any of the games) my guess is probably a lot of you and I'm also going to guess that the formula for those games hasn't really changed. Now yes some are more action heavy than others but relatively speaking it's all about fighting zombies, puzzles, and surviving right? It was like that in the original it's been like that all the way through 8 and the spin offs. They are some of the highest rated games of all time, and they pretty much have been doing the same thing for the past few decades. But when this game isn't innovating and is just being a fun platformer then it's bad…… Apparently.
As a fan of BFBB, this was a very fair and understandable review. Seems that everyone is blinded by nostalgia and branding.
X play would have made a better review for this game
this is why yall going bankrupt
Game of the year without discussion
IGN needs to die off like buzzfeed did this channel is a joke how do people still watch this garbage unironically???
Dude really thought he was gonna get an experience like Ratchet & Clank. 😭
The only 5/10 thing here is this review itself.
First bfbb now Cosmic shake 😭
Absolutely shitty review.
These are the same people who gave battle for bikini bottom a bad score for being a remake 😭😭 yea when it comes to kids games you guys are lost
I'm playing it now, and if you like Battle for Bikini Bottom. I'm sure you will like this one
So… how many children does the reviewer know? Enough to be on a certain list perhaps?
We wanted a true sequel to Battle for Bikini Bottom and thats what we got and of course IGN is upset about it
Why is this guy comparing this to Mario Odyssey? Lmao
"its even funnier the second time"
king neptune
How long is the game from start to finishing?.
It's cult games like this one where I'm happy for IGN that YouTube disabled dislikes
It's a lovely successor to battle for bikini bottom why not go check steam out ign people are loving it.