「コスチュームを着た愚かな男は私だけです…」ジャック・ブラックは、陽気なクッパのワンジーを着てショーに壮大な登場をしますが、彼の「スーパーマリオブラザーズムービー」の共演者がそうしなかったことに腹を立てています彼の楽しみに加わらないでください。 今日は、「スーパー マリオ ブラザーズ ムービー」のスター、クリス・プラット、キーガン=マイケル・キー、ジャック・ブラック、チャーリー・デイをもっと楽しみましょう。 #KellyClarksonShow #JackBlack #ChrisPratt #CharlieDay #KeeganMichaelKey ケリー クラークソン ショーを購読する: https://bit.ly/2OtOpf8 Instagram をフォローする: https://www.instagram.com/kellyclarksonshow/ Twitter: https://twitter. com/KellyClarksonTV Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KellyClarksonShow/ さらに楽しいものについては、https://www.kellyclarksonshow.com/ にアクセスしてください。トークショーで優勝し、グラミー賞を受賞したアーティストであり、アメリカの元祖アイドル、ケリー・クラークソン。
Wow that was some great acting. It was very convincing that no one knew where JB was. Also the audience was packed, must have been a sold out show with all 14 seats.
Oh my days Kelly looks sooo beautiful wow
Yall liberals eat this staged American comedy right up
Kelly Clarkson is the worst host. Wtf is this interview
All planed shit crap.Kelly is starting to look more like Lizzo every day
Jack is the only one not acting here.
That's not Mario it's a travesty for mankind
I've been trying to understand why anyone on the planet likes Jack Black. Like seriously, please please someone explain why you think he's funny. My theory is that he just gets really loud and people give sympathy laughs.
Side note, but I love Kelly clarkson as a host. Her show seems now down to earth than any one I’ve seen 👏🏾
Holy did she ever get fat. Lol modern whamen are gross.
Yo his dong was under pressure
Lame script
Omg they blurred his crotch! WHY???? WE WANNA SEE JACK'S KOOPAS!!!
1. You eat paint if this was not planned
2. I didn't know bugles get blurred out
3. Kelly Clarkson has looked that way for 10 years now
4. Actors are never themselves and told what to do and say at all times
I've always had a crush on Jack Black. I wish he would give me a lap dance wearing that costume.
Kelly is like always pregnant wtf lol
Kelly Clarkson ???
Jack Black is an all time great
Yeah tricked…
Why is there a Kelly Clarkson show? She wasn’t even good enough to make it without a international talent show for children
They blurred his junk xD
I want to meet jack so bad
Is Kelly Clarkson pregnant with another Kelly Clarkson?
They really robbed us of the jack black bowser bulge
The blurred out bulge kills me
I feel so bad for him :((((
I barely recognized Kelly, she's definitely let herself go.
America, your prudish ways never cease to amaze me, blurring out dick and balls through a costume 🤣
This is definitely a bit cause jack black would go out there in a costume
Kelly got fat.
Man as soon as Kelly Clarkson got some money she just blew up
I think that you look awesome
The censored his junk! Lmao! Oh man Jack Black cracks me up!