

  1. None of the above was professional work… It only worked because it was animated. The dance moves in real life them self look stupid, not that they are done badly.

  2. Uhm what?, the Haruhi dance moves are made by people who are getting paid for doing animations, its part of the anime series.Your opinion that just because a bunch of kids cant do "X", that "X" must be impossible to achieve is devoid of meaning. Do you realize how many things kids do and suck at it? Everything. So find a professional doing that dance and then we'll talk.

  3. *Facepalm*

    Idiot. I just said I DIDN'T THINK THAT. The moves them self look stupid. I'm not commenting on how well they did them. I'm commenting on how the moves translate to real life dancing.

  4. Again have you seen a professional dance this?

    >The moves them self look stupid. I'm not commenting on how well they did them.
    You must be joking, they look "stupid"(they dont..) because they are poorly executed, as they are fast paced and these guys cant keep up, cause they arent dancers, obviously.

  5. Yes, I have seen this dance done by professionals. Statement stands as true there as well. The moves look awkward and out of place despite being professionally done to the point of having rhythm through them.

  6. You seem to misunderstand the definition of a professional, its not someone good at something, its someone getting paid for the work done. So how much did s/he got? Otherwise that statement stands being pointless. But its not unusual. Unskilled people often refuse to believe something is possible, simply because they cant do it.

  7. My goodness, you idiot. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO JUST ASKED FOR IF IT WAS DONE BY PROFESSIONALS. My goodness, how desperate are you to try and legitimize these stupid dance moves?

    And they were professionals who were professional because they're supposed to be good at it. Proof, it was a video of a concert for the song with the dance.

  8. I asked because its difficult to believe a professional would be doing it, its copyrighted and he would need a permit. And what a surprise, that pro turned out to be a school concert dancer? No better than the guys above. Since you do not understand the word "profession" lets talk numbers, the creators of the anime, each got like $5000 for their work on that dance. (give or take). Your "pro" got maybe $20. Do you think they put the same amount of time and skill in their task?

  9. No, not a school dance concert. A concert professionals. Paid and done in front of thousands. In fact, I believe they were people directly linked to the show.

  10. Kyon: Koizumi, We're being paid for this, right?

    Koizumi: It's Haruhi.

    Kyon: Good point (Why did I even need to ask?)

  11. Koizumi is so into it my eyes fixated on his dance xD Even tho this dance has the weirdest steps, it still requires a ton of energy and it's fun 😛

  12. Hello, I would like to know where I can see the author of the video, please, I hope you answer me, I have been looking for months