サポートミー(海外):https://streamlabs.com/pavoliareinechhololive-id/tip サポートミー(インドネシア):https://sociabuzz.com/pavoliareine/tribe Get Among Us x hololive コラボグッズはこちら! ★COVER製グッズランディングページ(予約受付11/28まで):https://shop.hololivepro.com/pages/amongus-goods-vol1-jp ★Innersloth製グッズECページ(予約受付中) :https://store.innersloth.com/collections/among-us-x-hololive ★ゲーム内コラボプレスページ:https://hololive.hololivepro.com/ja/news/20220921-01-12/ このゲームInnerSlothで確認後、配信・収益化中 【使用MOD】 MOD名:BetterCrewLink 作成者:OhMyGuus リンク:https://github.com/OhMyGuus/BetterCrewLink#installation 【NEW COVER RELEASE】 はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ / 花丸ピッピはいいこDake Gura x Marine x Reine x Kanata x Ollie x Baelz https://youtu.be/e2c08JOSGwI 【NEW MV RELEASE】 Lo​​ve Me Love Me 2.25.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxwV963ZNEU Reineの最新作オリジナル曲「あの青空のせいだ」「Love Me Love Me」は、2021年12月7日00:00より各種音楽配信サイトにて配信中(地域別)https://cover.lnk.to/reineEP Perhatian ! #Pavolia Reine dari hololive ID!#Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine #holoID #hololive #hololive_ID 【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat ストリーミング sedang berlangsung: • Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan. • Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topic pada kolom コメント。 • Dimohon tidak melakukan スパム ダラム ベントゥク アパしゃれ。 • Dimohon untuk tidak mengumpat, mencela, atau berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar。 • Dimohon untuk jaga sikap saat komentar dan mohon jangan komentar hal-hal sensitif yang berbau SARA、politik、NSFW、dll。 • Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di 待合室。 • Vtuber は、Vtuber のオンライン 待合室/ライブ ストリームにアクセスし、コメントを投稿しています。 【JP】配信中の注意事項: • お互いに仲良く、丁寧な言葉でコメントしてください。 • チャットはストリームに関連する話題にとどめてください。 • スパムを送信しないでください。 • 罵ったり、叩いたり、汚い言葉で話したりしないでください。 • 人種、政治、NSFW などのデリケートな話題についてのコメントはご遠慮ください。 • 待合室での会話はご遠慮ください。 • 生放送中に他のVtuberについて言及したり、コメントをしたりしないでください。トピックが最初に現在のストリーマーによって開始されていない場合、失礼と見なされます。 【JP】皆に気を付けてほしいこと: ・視聴者同士で仲良く、丁寧な言葉でコメントをお願いします ・無関係の話題を話さないでください ・絵文字のスパムをしないようにお願いします ・迷惑な言葉を使わないでほしいです ・待機中の話を遠慮してほしいです ・話題に出ていない他の配信者について、話さないでください 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/pavoliareine 【Instagram】 https://instagram.com/pavoliareine 【Facebookページ】 https://www.facebook.com/pavoliareine/ 【飯田ぽちママ】 ・Twitter:https://twitter.com/lizhi3 【いりえとうパパ】 ・Twitter: https://twitter.com/tou_ilie 【BGM】 ミナリさん • Twitter: https://twitter.com/minari_studio 【BGM】 https://dova-s.jp/ イントロ AANSD by Zetokoa • https:/ /twitter.com/iamZetokoa ↓↓↓他のholoID第2世代の女の子を応援しよう! /kureijiollie ・Instagram:https://instagram.com/kureijiollie ・Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/kureijiollie 【アーニャ・メルフィッサ】 ・チャンネル:https://t.co/Up4HqrcnSG?amp=1 ・Twitter :https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa ・インスタグラム:https://instagram.com/anyamelfissa ・フェイスブック:https://www.facebook.com/anyamelfissa/ ↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ 【あゆんだりーす】 • チャンネル:https://t.co/3AI0d4Vkbo?amp=1 • Twitter:https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu 【星ノ宮みおな】 • チャンネル:https https:/ /twitter.com/airaniiofifteen 【公式カバーサイト】 http://cover-corp.com/ 【公式YouTubeチャンネル hololive Indonesia】 https://www.youtube.com/c/hololiveIndonesia 【公式Twitter hololive Indonesia】 https:/ /twitter.com/hololive_Id 【公式Facebookホロライブインドネシア】 https://www.facebook.com/Hololive-Indonesia-108806367277672/


  1. Finestamps:
    01:22 Stream Start

    01:42 2 minutes of loading? who is this? – it's a special stream, the loading screen is only 2 minutes. Special among us collaboration to celebrate Among Us x Hololive new collaboration and merch

    02:25 Explaining what's going on – there's a merch. If you're interested you can check the description

    03:12 Special Among Us x Hololive Production collaboration merch

    04:32 It's available to November 28, so what are you waiting for

    04:56 More merchandise – shirts, pins etc.

    05:34 "emergency meeting" keychain. If you want Reine one, you know what to do – why Reine's keychain is bottom left? . There are 55 keychains, so every Holotalent got a keychain

    06:09 Collaboration sticker

    06:51 If you wanna see more hololive stuff potentially, you know what to do

    07:39 Launching the game. why are you waiting for Reine to be inside the game – go on the website and order your merch… and stream Hanamaru

    09:11 We're in game, everybody is in the lobby. Kobo checking the collection

    09:45 Hololive Cosmicube. follow Moona, you can click the wardrobe overhere

    10:44 Why is kaela sounds like she's in the bathroom? Maybe she is in the bathroom

    11:25 Game #1 (Crewmate) Kaela wanna do promotion together? Reine dunno how to play the meta in amogus

    12:18 Dead Body reported – Anya dead. Iofi is alive! S3 Meraketing during discussion

    14:12 Talking about marketing, don't we have something guys?

    14:44 No one was ejected. this is a promotion stream, if they want to promote it for real, they should let Reine survive because She's good at marketing

    15:12 Fixing wires. why the lights switched off? if the lights is off we can't buy merch

    15:25 Reine can't stop ads? Time to die – classic merch or die

    16:01 Dead body reported. Risu saw Reine's body in engine room, she was from kitchen with Moona, that's all, there is no one

    16:52 Who killed you, Reine?

    17:46 Kaela is echoing

    18:30 No one was ejected

    18:47 Fixing wires, cleaning toilet. Reine's dead She's concentrate, what to promote. what sound is that? hiiii devil sound

    19:17 Sorting records

    19:42 Picking up towels

    20:11 Dead body reported – Kobo is not an impostor, wow. Moona says Kobo died in armory, she met ollie, she just realized there was kobo's there, dead

    20:55 Someone should suspect that Iofi is still alive somehow!

    21:19 We know the impostors in this game – don't you guys think that Iofi still alive until now sus?

    22:42 Zeta was ejected

    23:06 Making a hamburger. electrical reset breaker? what does it mean – peanut sauce. Resetting breakers

    24:25 Entering Id code, time to hunt for people

    24:58 where did she go… Anyasays Risu should notice that Iofi senpai went above with Moona. The reason Iofi senpai is still alive is because she's the impostor

    25:35 Emergency meeting. Ollie called this meeting because she wants to promote the stuff

    26:51 If Iofi senpai is alone and Moona is suddenly dead then it's Iofi senpai Ollie says Iofi senpai is with them. OLLIEEEEEE. why is the imposter increasing in number?

    27:56 Iofi was Ejected – VICTORY! why is the imposter suddenly increase?

    28:24 Anya's question. She was killed like 10 sec into the game but the cooldown is 30. there's cooldown in the beginning

    30:07 Wanna continue or change map others?

    30:49 Game #2 – Crewmate (Clasic map)
    31:07 Emptying garbage

    31:33 Halo oxygen!

    31:57 Anya was killed first into the game, so scary. Every moment is good for the promotion

    32:22 Reine dies. Clearing asteroids

    32:37 Dead body reported. Kaela wants to ask, when they are going to together, why Anya went to the left by itself? BUSTED!

    34:08 M: Iofi where, why you silent? – I: I wanna go to oshi – Oshi? – don't forget to buys your oshi's merch

    35:02 Anya was ejected. Reine can protect. She hasn't finished the task yet

    35:31 "I'm an independent woman" – Kobo. What is she talking about

    37:00 who is the other one? A: you should know – I know but I don't remember

    37:54 Accepting diverted power. Reine will do the tasks first, her protect is not up yet

    38:25 Uploading data. "sorry if someone died, Im downloading"

    38:56 Emergency Meeting. Promosi time

    39:22 what did you do? Zeta says the last time she did was navigation, throwing garbage in cafeteria

    40:05 You are a crewmate? Name every task

    40:51 Ollie, Ollie… S3 Meraketing. Iofi remembers her task… promoting merchandise

    41:27 No one was ejected

    41:57 Reine forgot to skip ADs. No one wanna accompany netbattle?

    42:50 We're back to the game… to see Reine's favorite task – swipe card

    43:40 VICTORY! All tasks done. Who was it? Iofi? Ollie?

    44:50 Moona wanna ask important part – Reine's not wearing cloth? you wanna clotch

    45:10 Promotion again. " I don't wanna wear cloth, Im just gonna wear this" the link is in the desc guys, don't be lazy and check it

    46:52 if you guys have time to chat, you guys have time to check the description

    47:32 Game #3 (Crewmate) If Iofi is alive, then it's Iofi. This is polus right? hello polusi (pun of police)

    48:24 AHOY! Opening Waterways

    49:00 Dead body reported – Double Kill (Moona, Kaela). they were above at the starting location, there was Zeta there

    49:38 Kaela is in the starting point but a bit outside`but if you guys are there, why you guys can't see that?

    50:57 Iofi will be yeeted for being alive? Iofi before you get ejected don't you think something is left behind – the merch

    52:01 Opening waterways

    52:25 "It's reine, please stay away, I'm doing task and I can't concentrate because you're too beautiful" S3 Meraketing. Fixing weather node

    52:44 Reine dead

    53:24 Distant Ela, singing Moona. Have you guys bought the merch from hololive ID?

    54:15 Fixing wires

    54:28 Amogus Snowman. Nobody can find Reine's body. Why you guys love to stack each other so much?

    55:00 Reine's favorite task again. They can do push to talk, but it's not fun, not immersive

    55:40 Clearing Asteroides

    56:03 Laboratory work, scanning

    56:29 Dead Body Reported. Anya thinks it's not Ollie: explaining stuff, because there were 2 bodies at the beginning. Kobo suspects Anya

    57:46 No one was ejected

    58:21 Ollie always make the same mistake, supporting the imposter while being crewmate

    59:41 Don't stream in the pool – Kobo's wild laugh

    1:00:17 VICTORY! Kaela wants to talk to Ollie. Before Kaela was guardian, Kobo actually killed Ollie, but she protected Ollie then Ollie said Kobo is safe, Kaela's heart is broken… Ollie's like the protagonist who always believe her friends
    1:02:42 Closing comments, otsukare

    1:03:19 Switching the screens, that's it for among us today. We had some very nice games. Very short and sweet dtream

    1:03:51 Reine decided to postpone ID classroom to next week, it's not announced but there will be a collab on monday morning… but Reine will probably drop it. Tomorrow collab is not Among Us

    1:05:10 Before we end the stream, Reine gonna talk more about Among Us x Hololive Production. For the details check the website, it's on the description

    1:06:26 It's not only 10 people, they have their names. Reine sometimes need to check names of JP talents, Breine can't remember. Reine gonna introduce them properly

    1:08:26 If you're a true hololive fan, you would consider purchasing the Among Us x Hololive Production Collaboration merch! What's Haachama's real name?

    1:09:00 Promoting shirts, pins. Reine likes cute accessories

    1:09:52 why the Korone poster so intense?

    01:10:00 Emergency meeting Keychain. Are you a fan of Pavolia Reine? If you are, you know what to do. There are keychains for all the 55 Hololive female talents

    01:10:52 Collaboration Sticker

    1:11:30 ​Laptop sticker so your client can see what kind of person are you. Reine's favorite sticker

    1:12:13 Promoting Hololive Cosmicube, it's available until november 28

    1:12:46 Show your interest, then we may have another hololive collab coming, maybe there might be more Pavolia Reine in future merch

    1:13:14 Closing Comments

    1:13:32 Salam MERAKyats